Coastal Oregon

Staging your home: the not-so-secret way to sell your property fast


Elegant parlor interior

It’s not a secret anymore– staging your home can help you sell your property fast to the right home buyer! You can hire a professional to do it for you, or trust in your aesthetic taste and do it yourself. Attract more buyers to your property and have them place an offer that’s a win on your part with the following home-staging tips.

  1. Keep the master bedroom neutral.

    One of the biggest ways to appeal to both male and female buyers is to keep the spaces of your home neutral, especially the master bedroom. Items and decor that are too gender-specific can alienate one group of buyer. The best way is to use neutral colors and accessories that complement each other. Don’t decorate for you– this time, decorate your home for its potential owner.

  2. Invest in new kitchen appliances.

    Kitchen renovations and upgrades can significantly increase the value of your home, which makes investing in new kitchen appliances a wise move. In addition, new appliances give your kitchen a new look and feel. Trust us, nothing is more attractive to a home buyer than a kitchen with brand new equipment.

  3. Don’t forget curb appeal.

    When it comes to selling real estate property, what’s inside and outside counts. The best way to attract a steady stream of interested home buyers is to spruce your yard and use its curb appeal and stop the traffic. Consider painting your home a new color. Invest in landscaping. Replace old knockers and hardware. Add flower pots, outdoor lighting– there are so many things you can do to improve your curb appeal.

    If you’re feeling a little confused on what to do, just imagine the type of home you’d love to come home to.

  4. Clear out the clutter.

    Unnecessary clutter can hide a room’s true potential. Show off its space and let your prospective home buyers imagine what it’s like living in that space by de-cluttering and furnishing the room with functional items and decor. If you fail to clear out the clutter, you might miss on a nice offer from a home buyer.

Selling a home is a momentous occasion that marks a new chapter in an individual’s life! For more information about home selling in the Southern Oregon coast, get in touch with me today at 541-661-3056 or realtormcurtis(at)gmail(dotted)com. It would be a pleasure to help you on your way to a smooth and successful home sale.

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